"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

order dari cikgu2

This week, order semua dr cikgu...actually, my reseller is a teacher...so do her husband...so, semua order this week comes from their teacher's friends....below, ade a few pic yg saya sempat snap..

this one last minutes order..pagi sabtu order,bagitau nk amik pagi ahad. she didn't mention any special request for the color and fillings so, sy buat ikut mood n mixed the fillings.

As for this one, my reseller request for sampling purpose.
opss!!dunno y this pic turn out this way..dlm file elok jer dah siap rotate...actually, this order also by my reseller. i'm not sure lah cikgu2 kat skolah die or her husband yg order coz her husband yg dtg pick up sabtu pagi. sabtu tu ade skolah ganti utk cuti raya.

this order on last monday (2nd Aug) tp baru post coz nk lump sum skali...last week xamik order coz sgt2 lah bz nyer...but, buat jugak for this one...sorang cikgu nk celebrate besday her husband...she order 30pcs lollichoc..


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