"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE"

Monday, September 20, 2010


Rasanya belum terlambat lg utk megucapkan selamah hari raya kepada semua custmers or potential customers of Coklat Manes.. Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki sy sepanjang bulan syawal ini.. Ada juga saudara mara yg dtg kerumah n rasa coklat sy then place order.. Rezeki sy... This is one of the platform for me to make people close to me aware about my business and my products.. Sesiapa yg dtg beraya ke rumah, secara tak langsung dpt lah merasa 'free tester'.hehehe...

Semaoga Coklat Manes akan berkembang dimasa hadapan.. Last but not least, thanks for all the support and for being Coklat Manes' customers....


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