"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Reunion GP200

Sabtu, 2 Julai lepas, saya ade majlis reunion participants GP200 dengan Bank Negara & Coacch2Success..sy ambil peluang nie nk promosikan Coklat Manes kepada kawan2 GP200...classmates, Proactives memang dah tau yg saya nie choc maker tapi xde peluang lagi nak rasa..so, sempena reunion nie, saya bagi diorang rasa puas2 coklat saya...

 this one, special for my classmates, Proactives and I made a few special for my group-mates, Rainbow.
Lollichoc oreo with edible image.

 Yang nie pulak, sambil2 promote coklat raya.. tu yg buat packaging exactly sama macam yg dijual utk raya.
saya bawak 2 bekas n kejap jer dah habis.. ye lah, 200 orang nak rasa...
maaflah kalau ade yg xdpt rasa...hee~

 this one, special for Mama Shikin, Head Secretariat GP200 BNM..

penuh tau paper bag nie..hehe~


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