"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Special Order & Hari Kantin SAMTK

 Classmates from GP200 order nie utk GF die plus delivery service skali...nak menjerit GF die mase saya hantar coklat nie kat Carrefour Seksyen 23.. both of them were happy with the chocs.. korang sweet sgt n aku doakan korang berkekalan la yer..hehe~

Semua nie, anak sedara saya request..die nak jual masa hari kantin kat sekolah... 100pcs lollichocs, 32pcs oreo chocs n 68 pcs choc teddybear... tu jer yg sempat saya buatkan...

okey, this one saya panggil "value pack" utk wedding..saya packing coklat tuh sebiji-sebiji...boleh letak dlm doorgift..harga sangat berpatutan! sesiapa berminat, boleh email sy utk tau harga ye... InshaAllah, lepas raya nie akan ade beberapa choice utk pakej "value pack" doorgift nie...


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